1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182
//! # List of parsers and combinators
//! <div class="warning">
//! **Note**: this list is meant to provide a nicer way to find a parser than reading through the documentation on Function combinators are organized in module so they are a bit easier to find.
//! </div>
//! ## Basic elements
//! Those are used to take a series of tokens for the lowest level elements of your grammar, like, "here is a dot", or "here is an big endian integer".
//! | combinator | usage | input | new input | output | comment |
//! |---|---|---|---|---|---|
//! | [`one_of`][crate::token::one_of] | `one_of(['a', 'b', 'c'])` | `"abc"` | `"bc"` | `Ok('a')` |Matches one of the provided [set of tokens][crate::stream::ContainsToken] (works with non ASCII characters too)|
//! | [`none_of`][crate::token::none_of] | `none_of(['a', 'b', 'c'])` | `"xyab"` | `"yab"` | `Ok('x')` |Matches anything but one of the provided [set of tokens][crate::stream::ContainsToken]|
//! | [`literal`][crate::token::literal] | `"hello"` | `"hello world"` | `" world"` | `Ok("hello")` |Recognizes a specific suite of characters or bytes (see also [`Caseless`][crate::ascii::Caseless])|
//! | [`take`][crate::token::take] | `take(4)` | `"hello"` | `"o"` | `Ok("hell")` |Takes a specific number of bytes or characters|
//! | [`take_while`][crate::token::take_while] | `take_while(0.., is_alphabetic)` | `"abc123"` | `"123"` | `Ok("abc")` |Returns the longest slice of bytes or characters for which the provided [set of tokens][crate::stream::ContainsToken] matches.|
//! | [`take_till`][crate::token::take_till] | `take_till(0.., is_alphabetic)` | `"123abc"` | `"abc"` | `Ok("123")` |Returns a slice of bytes or characters until the provided [set of tokens][crate::stream::ContainsToken] matches. This is the reverse behaviour from `take_while`: `take_till(f)` is equivalent to `take_while(0.., \|c\| !f(c))`|
//! | [`take_until`][crate::token::take_until] | `take_until(0.., "world")` | `"Hello world"` | `"world"` | `Ok("Hello ")` |Returns a slice of bytes or characters until the provided [literal][crate::token::literal] is found.|
//! ## Choice combinators
//! | combinator | usage | input | new input | output | comment |
//! |---|---|---|---|---|---|
//! | [`alt`] | `alt(("ab", "cd"))` | `"cdef"` | `"ef"` | `Ok("cd")` |Try a list of parsers and return the result of the first successful one|
//! | [`dispatch`] | \- | \- | \- | \- | `match` for parsers |
//! | [`permutation`] | `permutation(("ab", "cd", "12"))` | `"cd12abc"` | `"c"` | `Ok(("ab", "cd", "12"))` |Succeeds when all its child parser have succeeded, whatever the order|
//! ## Sequence combinators
//! | combinator | usage | input | new input | output | comment |
//! |---|---|---|---|---|---|
//! | [`(...)` (tuples)][crate::Parser] | `("ab", "XY", take(1))` | `"abXYZ!"` | `"!"` | `Ok(("ab", "XY", "Z"))` |Parse a series of values|
//! | [`seq!`] | `seq!(_: '(', take(2), _: ')')` | `"(ab)cd"` | `"cd"` | `Ok("ab")` |Parse a series of values, discarding those you specify|
//! | [`delimited`] | `delimited('(', take(2), ')')` | `"(ab)cd"` | `"cd"` | `Ok("ab")` |Parse three values, discarding the first and third value|
//! | [`preceded`] | `preceded("ab", "XY")` | `"abXYZ"` | `"Z"` | `Ok("XY")` |Parse two values, discarding the first value|
//! | [`terminated`] | `terminated("ab", "XY")` | `"abXYZ"` | `"Z"` | `Ok("ab")` |Parse two values, discarding the second value|
//! | [`separated_pair`] | `separated_pair("hello", ',', "world")` | `"hello,world!"` | `"!"` | `Ok(("hello", "world"))` | Parse three values, discarding the middle value|
//! ## Applying a parser multiple times
//! | combinator | usage | input | new input | output | comment |
//! |---|---|---|---|---|---|
//! | [`repeat`] | `repeat(1..=3, "ab")` | `"ababc"` | `"c"` | `Ok(vec!["ab", "ab"])` |Applies the parser between m and n times (n included) and returns the list of results in a Vec|
//! | [`repeat_till`] | `repeat_till(0.., "ab", "ef")` | `"ababefg"` | `"g"` | `Ok((vec!["ab", "ab"], "ef"))` |Applies the first parser until the second applies. Returns a tuple containing the list of results from the first in a Vec and the result of the second|
//! | [`separated`] | `separated(1..=3, "ab", ",")` | `"ab,ab,ab."` | `"."` | `Ok(vec!["ab", "ab", "ab"])` |Applies the parser and separator between m and n times (n included) and returns the list of results in a Vec|
//! | [`Repeat::fold`] | <code>repeat(1..=2, `be_u8`).fold(\|\| 0, \|acc, item\| acc + item)</code> | `[1, 2, 3]` | `[3]` | `Ok(3)` |Applies the parser between m and n times (n included) and folds the list of return value|
//! ## Partial related
//! - [`eof`]: Returns its input if it is at the end of input data
//! - [`Parser::complete_err`]: Replaces an `Incomplete` returned by the child parser with an `Backtrack`
//! ## Modifiers
//! - [`cond`]: Conditional combinator. Wraps another parser and calls it if the condition is met
//! - [`Parser::flat_map`]: method to map a new parser from the output of the first parser, then apply that parser over the rest of the input
//! - [`Parser::value`]: method to replace the result of a parser
//! - [`Parser::default_value`]: method to replace the result of a parser
//! - [`Parser::void`]: method to discard the result of a parser
//! - [`Parser::map`]: method to map a function on the result of a parser
//! - [`Parser::and_then`]: Applies a second parser over the output of the first one
//! - [`Parser::verify_map`]: Maps a function returning an `Option` on the output of a parser
//! - [`Parser::try_map`]: Maps a function returning a `Result` on the output of a parser
//! - [`Parser::parse_to`]: Apply [`std::str::FromStr`] to the output of the parser
//! - [`not`]: Returns a result only if the embedded parser returns `Backtrack` or `Incomplete`. Does not consume the input
//! - [`opt`]: Make the underlying parser optional
//! - [`peek`]: Returns a result without consuming the input
//! - [`Parser::take`]: If the child parser was successful, return the consumed input as the produced value
//! - [`Parser::with_taken`]: If the child parser was successful, return a tuple of the consumed input and the produced output.
//! - [`Parser::span`]: If the child parser was successful, return the location of the consumed input as the produced value
//! - [`Parser::with_span`]: If the child parser was successful, return a tuple of the location of the consumed input and the produced output.
//! - [`Parser::verify`]: Returns the result of the child parser if it satisfies a verification function
//! ## Error management and debugging
//! - [`cut_err`]: Commit the parse result, disallowing alternative parsers from being attempted
//! - [`backtrack_err`]: Attempts a parse, allowing alternative parsers to be attempted despite
//! use of `cut_err`
//! - [`Parser::context`]: Add context to the error if the parser fails
//! - [`trace`]: Print the parse state with the `debug` feature flag
//! - [`todo()`]: Placeholder parser
//! ## Remaining combinators
//! - [`empty`]: Returns a value without consuming any input, always succeeds
//! - [`fail`]: Inversion of [`empty`]. Always fails.
//! - [`Parser::by_ref`]: Allow moving `&mut impl Parser` into other parsers
//! ## Text parsing
//! - [`any`][crate::token::any]: Matches one token
//! - [`tab`][crate::ascii::tab]: Matches a tab character `\t`
//! - [`crlf`][crate::ascii::crlf]: Recognizes the string `\r\n`
//! - [`line_ending`][crate::ascii::line_ending]: Recognizes an end of line (both `\n` and `\r\n`)
//! - [`newline`][crate::ascii::newline]: Matches a newline character `\n`
//! - [`till_line_ending`][crate::ascii::till_line_ending]: Recognizes a string of any char except `\r` or `\n`
//! - [`rest`]: Return the remaining input
//! - [`alpha0`][crate::ascii::alpha0]: Recognizes zero or more lowercase and uppercase alphabetic characters: `[a-zA-Z]`. [`alpha1`][crate::ascii::alpha1] does the same but returns at least one character
//! - [`alphanumeric0`][crate::ascii::alphanumeric0]: Recognizes zero or more numerical and alphabetic characters: `[0-9a-zA-Z]`. [`alphanumeric1`][crate::ascii::alphanumeric1] does the same but returns at least one character
//! - [`space0`][crate::ascii::space0]: Recognizes zero or more spaces and tabs. [`space1`][crate::ascii::space1] does the same but returns at least one character
//! - [`multispace0`][crate::ascii::multispace0]: Recognizes zero or more spaces, tabs, carriage returns and line feeds. [`multispace1`][crate::ascii::multispace1] does the same but returns at least one character
//! - [`digit0`][crate::ascii::digit0]: Recognizes zero or more numerical characters: `[0-9]`. [`digit1`][crate::ascii::digit1] does the same but returns at least one character
//! - [`hex_digit0`][crate::ascii::hex_digit0]: Recognizes zero or more hexadecimal numerical characters: `[0-9A-Fa-f]`. [`hex_digit1`][crate::ascii::hex_digit1] does the same but returns at least one character
//! - [`oct_digit0`][crate::ascii::oct_digit0]: Recognizes zero or more octal characters: `[0-7]`. [`oct_digit1`][crate::ascii::oct_digit1] does the same but returns at least one character
//! - [`float`][crate::ascii::float]: Parse a floating point number in a byte string
//! - [`dec_int`][crate::ascii::dec_int]: Decode a variable-width, decimal signed integer
//! - [`dec_uint`][crate::ascii::dec_uint]: Decode a variable-width, decimal unsigned integer
//! - [`hex_uint`][crate::ascii::hex_uint]: Decode a variable-width, hexadecimal integer
//! - [`take_escaped`][crate::ascii::take_escaped]: Recognize the input slice with escaped characters
//! - [`escaped_transform`][crate::ascii::escaped_transform]: Parse escaped characters, unescaping them
//! ### Character test functions
//! Use these functions with a combinator like `take_while`:
//! - [`AsChar::is_alpha`][crate::stream::AsChar::is_alpha]: Tests if byte is ASCII alphabetic: `[A-Za-z]`
//! - [`AsChar::is_alphanum`][crate::stream::AsChar::is_alphanum]: Tests if byte is ASCII alphanumeric: `[A-Za-z0-9]`
//! - [`AsChar::is_dec_digit`][crate::stream::AsChar::is_dec_digit]: Tests if byte is ASCII digit: `[0-9]`
//! - [`AsChar::is_hex_digit`][crate::stream::AsChar::is_hex_digit]: Tests if byte is ASCII hex digit: `[0-9A-Fa-f]`
//! - [`AsChar::is_oct_digit`][crate::stream::AsChar::is_oct_digit]: Tests if byte is ASCII octal digit: `[0-7]`
//! - [`AsChar::is_space`][crate::stream::AsChar::is_space]: Tests if byte is ASCII space or tab: `[ \t]`
//! - [`AsChar::is_newline`][crate::stream::AsChar::is_newline]: Tests if byte is ASCII newline: `[\n]`
//! ## Binary format parsing
//! - [`length_repeat`][crate::binary::length_repeat] Gets a number from the first parser, then applies the second parser that many times
//! - [`length_take`][crate::binary::length_take]: Gets a number from the first parser, then takes a subslice of the input of that size, and returns that subslice
//! - [`length_and_then`][crate::binary::length_and_then]: Gets a number from the first parser, takes a subslice of the input of that size, then applies the second parser on that subslice. If the second parser returns `Incomplete`, `length_value` will return an error
//! ### Integers
//! Parsing integers from binary formats can be done in two ways: With parser functions, or combinators with configurable endianness.
//! - **configurable endianness:** [`i16`][crate::binary::i16], [`i32`][crate::binary::i32],
//! [`i64`][crate::binary::i64], [`u16`][crate::binary::u16], [`u32`][crate::binary::u32],
//! [`u64`][crate::binary::u64] are combinators that take as argument a
//! [`winnow::binary::Endianness`][crate::binary::Endianness], like this: `i16(endianness)`. If the
//! parameter is `winnow::binary::Endianness::Big`, parse a big endian `i16` integer, otherwise a
//! little endian `i16` integer.
//! - **fixed endianness**: The functions are prefixed by `be_` for big endian numbers, and by `le_` for little endian numbers, and the suffix is the type they parse to. As an example, `be_u32` parses a big endian unsigned integer stored in 32 bits.
//! - [`be_f32`][crate::binary::be_f32], [`be_f64`][crate::binary::be_f64]: Big endian floating point numbers
//! - [`le_f32`][crate::binary::le_f32], [`le_f64`][crate::binary::le_f64]: Little endian floating point numbers
//! - [`be_i8`][crate::binary::be_i8], [`be_i16`][crate::binary::be_i16], [`be_i24`][crate::binary::be_i24], [`be_i32`][crate::binary::be_i32], [`be_i64`][crate::binary::be_i64], [`be_i128`][crate::binary::be_i128]: Big endian signed integers
//! - [`be_u8`][crate::binary::be_u8], [`be_u16`][crate::binary::be_u16], [`be_u24`][crate::binary::be_u24], [`be_u32`][crate::binary::be_u32], [`be_u64`][crate::binary::be_u64], [`be_u128`][crate::binary::be_u128]: Big endian unsigned integers
//! - [`le_i8`][crate::binary::le_i8], [`le_i16`][crate::binary::le_i16], [`le_i24`][crate::binary::le_i24], [`le_i32`][crate::binary::le_i32], [`le_i64`][crate::binary::le_i64], [`le_i128`][crate::binary::le_i128]: Little endian signed integers
//! - [`le_u8`][crate::binary::le_u8], [`le_u16`][crate::binary::le_u16], [`le_u24`][crate::binary::le_u24], [`le_u32`][crate::binary::le_u32], [`le_u64`][crate::binary::le_u64], [`le_u128`][crate::binary::le_u128]: Little endian unsigned integers
//! ### Bit stream parsing
//! - [`bits`][crate::binary::bits::bits]: Transforms the current input type (byte slice `&[u8]`) to a bit stream on which bit specific parsers and more general combinators can be applied
//! - [`bytes`][crate::binary::bits::bytes]: Transforms its bits stream input back into a byte slice for the underlying parser
//! - [`take`][crate::binary::bits::take]: Take a set number of bits
//! - [`pattern`][crate::binary::bits::pattern]: Check if a set number of bits matches a pattern
//! - [`bool`][crate::binary::bits::bool]: Match any one bit
mod branch;
mod core;
mod debug;
mod multi;
mod sequence;
mod tests;
pub mod impls;
pub use self::branch::*;
pub use self::core::*;
pub use self::debug::*;
#[deprecated(since = "0.6.23", note = "Replaced with `combinator::impls`")]
pub use self::impls::*;
pub use self::multi::*;
pub use self::sequence::*;
use crate::Parser;