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The `sabi_extern_fn` attribute macro allows defining `extern "C"` function that
abort on unwind instead of causing undefined behavior.
This macro is syntactic sugar to transform this:
<visibility> fn function_name( <params> ) -> <return type> {
<code here>
into this:
<visibility> extern "C" fn function_name( <params> ) -> <return type> {
<code here>
What this attribute does is to give the function abort on unwind semantics
(only when the unwinds doesn't stop inside the function).
A user can still use [`std::panic::catch_unwind`] inside the function to
catch panics and handle them appropriately.
### Basic examples
use abi_stable::{sabi_extern_fn, std_types::RArc, traits::IntoReprC};
pub(crate) fn hello() -> RArc<u32> {
assert_eq!(hello(), RArc::new(100));
use abi_stable::{
std_types::{RStr, RVec},
fn collect_into_lines(text: &str) -> RVec<RStr<'_>> {
.filter(|x| !x.is_empty())
vec!["what".into_c(), "is".into(), "that".into()].into_c(),
# no_early_return
You can use `#[sabi_extern_fn(no_early_return)]` to potentially
improve the runtime performance of the annotated function (this has not been tested).
This variant of the attribute removes an intermediate closure that is
used to intercept early returns (`?`, `return`, etc),
If this version of the attribute is used on a function which does have an
early return, it will (incorrectly) abort the process when it attempts to return early.
### Example
use abi_stable::{
std_types::{RStr, RVec},
pub(crate) fn hello() -> RVec<RStr<'static>> {
vec!["hello".into(), "world".into()].into()
assert_eq!(hello(), vec!["hello".into_c(), "world".into()].into_c(),);
pub use abi_stable_derive::sabi_extern_fn;