constraint.rsuse crate::base::dimension::{Dim, DimName, Dynamic};
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug)]
pub struct ShapeConstraint;
pub trait AreMultipliable<R1: Dim, C1: Dim, R2: Dim, C2: Dim>: DimEq<C1, R2> {}
impl<R1: Dim, C1: Dim, R2: Dim, C2: Dim> AreMultipliable<R1, C1, R2, C2> for ShapeConstraint where
ShapeConstraint: DimEq<C1, R2>
pub trait DimEq<D1: Dim, D2: Dim> {
type Representative: Dim;
impl<D: Dim> DimEq<D, D> for ShapeConstraint {
type Representative = D;
impl<D: DimName> DimEq<D, Dynamic> for ShapeConstraint {
type Representative = D;
impl<D: DimName> DimEq<Dynamic, D> for ShapeConstraint {
type Representative = D;
macro_rules! equality_trait_decl(
($($doc: expr, $Trait: ident),* $(,)*) => {$(
#[doc = $doc]
pub trait $Trait<D1: Dim, D2: Dim>: DimEq<D1, D2> + DimEq<D2, D1> {
type Representative: Dim;
impl<D: Dim> $Trait<D, D> for ShapeConstraint {
type Representative = D;
impl<D: DimName> $Trait<D, Dynamic> for ShapeConstraint {
type Representative = D;
impl<D: DimName> $Trait<Dynamic, D> for ShapeConstraint {
type Representative = D;
"Constraints `D1` and `D2` to be equivalent. \
They are both assumed to be the number of \
rows of a matrix.",
"Constraints `D1` and `D2` to be equivalent. \
They are both assumed to be the number of \
columns of a matrix.",
pub trait SameDimension<D1: Dim, D2: Dim>:
SameNumberOfRows<D1, D2> + SameNumberOfColumns<D1, D2>
type Representative: Dim;
impl<D: Dim> SameDimension<D, D> for ShapeConstraint {
type Representative = D;
impl<D: DimName> SameDimension<D, Dynamic> for ShapeConstraint {
type Representative = D;
impl<D: DimName> SameDimension<Dynamic, D> for ShapeConstraint {
type Representative = D;