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//! Idiomatic inotify wrapper for the Rust programming language
//! # About
//! [inotify-rs] is an idiomatic wrapper around the Linux kernel's [inotify] API
//! for the Rust programming language. It can be used for monitoring changes to
//! files or directories.
//! The [`Inotify`] struct is the main entry point into the API.
//! # Example
//! ```
//! use inotify::{
//! Inotify,
//! WatchMask,
//! };
//! let mut inotify = Inotify::init()
//! .expect("Error while initializing inotify instance");
//! # // Create a temporary file, so `Watches::add` won't return an error.
//! # use std::fs::File;
//! # let mut test_file = File::create("/tmp/inotify-rs-test-file")
//! # .expect("Failed to create test file");
//! #
//! // Watch for modify and close events.
//! inotify
//! .watches()
//! .add(
//! "/tmp/inotify-rs-test-file",
//! WatchMask::MODIFY | WatchMask::CLOSE,
//! )
//! .expect("Failed to add file watch");
//! # // Modify file, so the following `read_events_blocking` won't block.
//! # use std::io::Write;
//! # write!(&mut test_file, "something\n")
//! # .expect("Failed to write something to test file");
//! #
//! // Read events that were added with `Watches::add` above.
//! let mut buffer = [0; 1024];
//! let events = inotify.read_events_blocking(&mut buffer)
//! .expect("Error while reading events");
//! for event in events {
//! // Handle event
//! }
//! ```
//! # Attention: inotify gotchas
//! inotify (as in, the Linux API, not this wrapper) has many edge cases, making
//! it hard to use correctly. This can lead to weird and hard to find bugs in
//! applications that are based on it. inotify-rs does its best to fix these
//! issues, but sometimes this would require an amount of runtime overhead that
//! is just unacceptable for a low-level wrapper such as this.
//! We've documented any issues that inotify-rs has inherited from inotify, as
//! far as we are aware of them. Please watch out for any further warnings
//! throughout this documentation. If you want to be on the safe side, in case
//! we have missed something, please read the [inotify man pages] carefully.
//! [inotify-rs]:
//! [inotify]:
//! [inotify man pages]:
extern crate bitflags;
mod events;
mod fd_guard;
mod inotify;
mod util;
mod watches;
#[cfg(feature = "stream")]
mod stream;
pub use crate::events::{
pub use crate::inotify::Inotify;
pub use crate::util::{
pub use crate::watches::{
#[cfg(feature = "stream")]
pub use self::stream::EventStream;