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use std::cell::Cell;
use winit::event_loop::ActiveEventLoop;
thread_local! {
static CURRENT_EVENT_LOOP: Cell<Option<*const ActiveEventLoop>> = const { Cell::new(None) };
struct EventLoopGuard;
impl EventLoopGuard {
fn new(event_loop: &ActiveEventLoop) -> Self {
CURRENT_EVENT_LOOP.with(|cell| {
"Attempted to set a new event loop while one is already set"
impl Drop for EventLoopGuard {
fn drop(&mut self) {
CURRENT_EVENT_LOOP.with(|cell| cell.set(None));
// Helper function to safely use the current event loop
pub fn with_current_event_loop<F, R>(f: F) -> Option<R>
F: FnOnce(&ActiveEventLoop) -> R,
CURRENT_EVENT_LOOP.with(|cell| {
cell.get().map(|ptr| {
// 1. The pointer is guaranteed to be valid when it's Some, as the EventLoopGuard that created it
// lives at least as long as the reference, and clears it when it's dropped. Only run_with_event_loop creates
// a new EventLoopGuard, and does not leak it.
// 2. Since the pointer was created from a borrow which lives at least as long as this pointer there are
// no mutable references to the ActiveEventLoop.
let event_loop = unsafe { &*ptr };
// The only public interface to use the event loop
pub fn with_event_loop_context(event_loop: &ActiveEventLoop, f: impl FnOnce()) {
// NOTE: For safety, this guard must NOT be leaked.
let _guard = EventLoopGuard::new(event_loop);