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// Symphonia
// Copyright (c) 2019-2023 The Project Symphonia Developers.
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//! The Modified Discrete Cosine Transform (MDCT) implemented without SIMD optimizations.
use crate::dsp::complex::Complex;
use crate::dsp::fft::*;
/// The Inverse Modified Discrete Transform (IMDCT).
pub struct Imdct {
fft: Fft,
fft_in: Box<[Complex]>,
fft_out: Box<[Complex]>,
twiddle: Box<[Complex]>,
impl Imdct {
/// Instantiate a N-point IMDCT with no scaling.
/// The value of `n` is the number of spectral samples and must be a power-of-2 and less-than or
/// equal to `2 * Fft::MAX_SIZE`.
pub fn new(n: usize) -> Self {
Imdct::new_scaled(n, 1.0)
/// Instantiate a N-point IMDCT with scaling.
/// The value of `n` is the number of spectral samples and must be a power-of-2 and less-than or
/// equal to `2 * Fft::MAX_SIZE`.
pub fn new_scaled(n: usize, scale: f64) -> Self {
// The FFT requires a power-of-two N.
assert!(n.is_power_of_two(), "n must be a power of two");
// A complex FFT of size N/2 is used to compute the IMDCT. Therefore, the maximum value of N
// is 2 * Fft::MAX_SIZE.
assert!(n <= 2 * Fft::MAX_SIZE, "maximum size exceeded");
let n2 = n / 2;
let mut twiddle = Vec::with_capacity(n2);
let alpha = 1.0 / 8.0 + if scale.is_sign_positive() { 0.0 } else { n2 as f64 };
let pi_n = std::f64::consts::PI / n as f64;
let sqrt_scale = scale.abs().sqrt();
for k in 0..n2 {
let theta = pi_n * (alpha + k as f64);
let re = sqrt_scale * theta.cos();
let im = sqrt_scale * theta.sin();
twiddle.push(Complex::new(re as f32, im as f32));
let fft_in = vec![Default::default(); n2].into_boxed_slice();
let fft_out = vec![Default::default(); n2].into_boxed_slice();
Imdct { fft: Fft::new(n2), fft_in, fft_out, twiddle: twiddle.into_boxed_slice() }
/// Performs the the N-point Inverse Modified Discrete Cosine Transform.
/// The number of input spectral samples provided by the slice `spec` must equal the value of N
/// that the IMDCT was instantiated with. The length of the output slice, `out`, must be of
/// length 2N. Failing to meet these requirements will throw an assertion.
pub fn imdct(&mut self, spec: &[f32], out: &mut [f32]) {
// Spectral length: 2x FFT size, 0.5x output length.
let n = self.fft.size() << 1;
// 1x FFT size, 0.25x output length.
let n2 = n >> 1;
// 0.5x FFT size.
let n4 = n >> 2;
// The spectrum length must be the same as N.
assert_eq!(spec.len(), n);
// The output length must be 2x the spectrum length.
assert_eq!(out.len(), 2 * n);
// Pre-FFT twiddling and packing of the real input signal values into complex signal values.
for (i, (&w, t)) in self.twiddle.iter().zip(self.fft_in.iter_mut()).enumerate() {
let even = spec[i * 2];
let odd = -spec[n - 1 - i * 2];
let re = odd * - even *;
let im = odd * + even *;
*t = Complex::new(re, im);
// Do the FFT.
self.fft.fft(&self.fft_in, &mut self.fft_out);
// Split the output vector (2N samples) into 4 vectors (N/2 samples each).
let (vec0, vec1) = out.split_at_mut(n2);
let (vec1, vec2) = vec1.split_at_mut(n2);
let (vec2, vec3) = vec2.split_at_mut(n2);
// Post-FFT twiddling and processing to expand the N/2 complex output values into 2N real
// output samples.
for (i, (x, &w)) in self.fft_out[..n4].iter().zip(self.twiddle[..n4].iter()).enumerate() {
// The real and imaginary components of the post-twiddled FFT samples are used to
// generate 4 reak output samples. Using the first half of the complex FFT output,
// populate each of the 4 output vectors.
let val = w * x.conj();
// Forward and reverse order indicies that will be populated.
let fi = 2 * i;
let ri = n2 - 1 - 2 * i;
// The odd indicies in vec0 are populated reverse order.
vec0[ri] =;
// The even indicies in vec1 are populated forward order.
vec1[fi] =;
// The odd indicies in vec2 are populated reverse order.
vec2[ri] =;
// The even indicies in vec3 are populated forward order.
vec3[fi] =;
for (i, (x, &w)) in self.fft_out[n4..].iter().zip(self.twiddle[n4..].iter()).enumerate() {
// Using the second half of the FFT output samples, finish populating each of the 4
// output vectors.
let val = w * x.conj();
// Forward and reverse order indicies that will be populated.
let fi = 2 * i;
let ri = n2 - 1 - 2 * i;
// The even indicies in vec0 are populated in forward order.
vec0[fi] =;
// The odd indicies in vec1 are populated in reverse order.
vec1[ri] =;
// The even indicies in vec2 are populated in forward order.
vec2[fi] =;
// The odd indicies in vec3 are populated in reverse order.
vec3[ri] =;
// Note: As of Rust 1.58, there doesn't appear to be any measurable difference between using
// iterators or indexing like above. Either the bounds checks are elided above, or they are
// not elided using iterators. Therefore, for clarity, the indexing method is used.
// Additionally, note that vectors 0 and 3 are reversed copies (+ negation for vector 0) of
// vectors 1 and 2, respectively. Pulling these copies out into a separate loop using
// iterators yielded no measureable difference either.