use crate::query::LocalShapeApproximation;
use na::RealField;
/// The type of elements used to describe a deformation on a collision object.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum DeformationsType {
/// Deformations described as scalars.
/// Deformations described as vectors.
/// Deformations described as isometries.
/// Trait implemented by deformable shapes.
pub trait DeformableShape<N: RealField + Copy> {
/// The type of degrees of freedom this shape has.
fn deformations_type(&self) -> DeformationsType;
// /// Applies a deformation to all the degrees of freedom of this shape.
// fn deform_all(&mut self, coords: &[N], indices: &[usize]);
/// Updates some the degrees of freedom of this shape.
// fn set_partial_deformations(&mut self, coords: &[N], indices: &[DeformationIndex]);
/// Updates all the degrees of freedom of this shape.
fn set_deformations(&mut self, coords: &[N]);
/// Updates the given local approximation of this shape.
fn update_local_approximation(&self, coords: &[N], approx: &mut LocalShapeApproximation<N>);