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use na::RealField;
use crate::bounding_volume::{BoundingVolume, AABB};
use crate::math::Isometry;
use crate::pipeline::broad_phase::{BroadPhase, BroadPhaseProxyHandle, DBVTBroadPhase};
use crate::pipeline::narrow_phase::{
CollisionObjectGraphIndex, DefaultContactDispatcher, DefaultProximityDispatcher,
InteractionGraph, NarrowPhase,
use crate::pipeline::object::{CollisionObjectHandle, GeometricQueryType};
use crate::shape::Shape;
/// Registers a collision object handle so it can be taken into acconut by the broad-phase and the narrow-phase.
/// This tells the broad-phase and the interaction graph exists and allow them to perform some setup to accomodate
/// for a new collision object with the given `handle`, and known to currently have the given `position`, `shape` and `query_type`.
/// The result of this registration is a pair of handles that must be stored by the user as the will be needed for various
/// queries (on the broad-phase and interaction graph), as well as for freeing (using `remove_proxies`) the resources allocated here.
pub fn create_proxies<'a, N: RealField + Copy, Handle: CollisionObjectHandle>(
handle: Handle,
broad_phase: &mut (impl BroadPhase<N, AABB<N>, Handle> + ?Sized),
interactions: &mut InteractionGraph<N, Handle>,
position: &Isometry<N>,
shape: &(impl Shape<N> + ?Sized),
query_type: GeometricQueryType<N>,
) -> (BroadPhaseProxyHandle, CollisionObjectGraphIndex) {
let mut aabb = shape.aabb(position);
let proxy_handle = broad_phase.create_proxy(aabb, handle);
let graph_index = interactions.add_node(handle);
(proxy_handle, graph_index)
/// Free all the resources allocated by the broad-phase and the interaction graph for the given proxy handles.
/// This will free the resoruces allocated by the `create_proxies` function. A special care should be
/// taken with the return value of this function.
/// # Return (important, please read)
/// Thus function either returns `None` or a pair composed of a collision object handle and a collision object graph index.
/// If `None` is returned, no extra work is required from the caller. If `Some` is returned, the it is necessary that
/// the collision object graph index of the collider identified by the returned handle is replaced by the returned
/// collision object graph index. This is caused by the fact that the indices used by the interaction graph to identify
/// collision objects are not stable wrt. the deletion of collision objects. Therefore, removing one collision object can
/// result in the collision object graph index of another collision object to be changed.
#[must_use = "The graph index of the collision object returned by this method has been changed to the returned graph index."]
pub fn remove_proxies<'a, N: RealField + Copy, Handle: CollisionObjectHandle>(
broad_phase: &mut (impl BroadPhase<N, AABB<N>, Handle> + ?Sized),
interactions: &mut InteractionGraph<N, Handle>,
proxy_handle: BroadPhaseProxyHandle,
graph_index: CollisionObjectGraphIndex,
) -> Option<(Handle, CollisionObjectGraphIndex)> {
// NOTE: no need to notify handle the removed pairs because the node
// will be removed from the interaction graph anyway.
broad_phase.remove(&[proxy_handle], &mut |_, _| {});
.map(|h| (h, graph_index))
/// Allocate a default narrow-phase, configured with the default contact and proximity dispatchers.
pub fn default_narrow_phase<N: RealField + Copy, Handle: CollisionObjectHandle>(
) -> NarrowPhase<N, Handle> {
let coll_dispatcher = Box::new(DefaultContactDispatcher::new());
let prox_dispatcher = Box::new(DefaultProximityDispatcher::new());
NarrowPhase::new(coll_dispatcher, prox_dispatcher)
/// Allocate a default broad-phase, configured with a default coherence margin (set to 0.01).
pub fn default_broad_phase<N: RealField + Copy, Handle: CollisionObjectHandle>(
) -> DBVTBroadPhase<N, AABB<N>, Handle> {
let default_margin = 0.01f64;
/// Allocate a default interaction graph.
pub fn default_interaction_graph<N: RealField + Copy, Handle: CollisionObjectHandle>(
) -> InteractionGraph<N, Handle> {