helpers.rsuse crate::ir::context::BindgenContext;
use crate::ir::layout::Layout;
use proc_macro2::{Ident, Span, TokenStream};
use quote::TokenStreamExt;
pub mod attributes {
use proc_macro2::{Ident, Span, TokenStream};
use std::str::FromStr;
pub fn repr(which: &str) -> TokenStream {
let which = Ident::new(which, Span::call_site());
quote! {
#[repr( #which )]
pub fn repr_list(which_ones: &[&str]) -> TokenStream {
let which_ones = which_ones
.map(|one| TokenStream::from_str(one).expect("repr to be valid"));
quote! {
#[repr( #( #which_ones ),* )]
pub fn derives(which_ones: &[&str]) -> TokenStream {
let which_ones = which_ones
.map(|one| TokenStream::from_str(one).expect("derive to be valid"));
quote! {
#[derive( #( #which_ones ),* )]
pub fn inline() -> TokenStream {
quote! {
pub fn must_use() -> TokenStream {
quote! {
pub fn non_exhaustive() -> TokenStream {
quote! {
pub fn doc(comment: String) -> TokenStream {
if comment.is_empty() {
} else {
quote!(#[doc = #comment])
pub fn link_name(name: &str) -> TokenStream {
let name = format!("\u{1}{}", name);
quote! {
#[link_name = #name]
pub fn blob(ctx: &BindgenContext, layout: Layout) -> TokenStream {
let opaque = layout.opaque();
let ty_name = match opaque.known_rust_type_for_array(ctx) {
Some(ty) => ty,
None => {
warn!("Found unknown alignment on code generation!");
let ty_name = Ident::new(ty_name, Span::call_site());
let data_len = opaque.array_size(ctx).unwrap_or(layout.size);
if data_len == 1 {
quote! {
} else {
quote! {
[ #ty_name ; #data_len ]
pub fn integer_type(
ctx: &BindgenContext,
layout: Layout,
) -> Option<TokenStream> {
let name = Layout::known_type_for_size(ctx, layout.size)?;
let name = Ident::new(name, Span::call_site());
Some(quote! { #name })
pub fn bitfield_unit(ctx: &BindgenContext, layout: Layout) -> TokenStream {
let mut tokens = quote! {};
if ctx.options().enable_cxx_namespaces {
tokens.append_all(quote! { root:: });
let size = layout.size;
tokens.append_all(quote! {
__BindgenBitfieldUnit<[u8; #size]>
pub mod ast_ty {
use crate::ir::context::BindgenContext;
use crate::ir::function::FunctionSig;
use crate::ir::layout::Layout;
use crate::ir::ty::FloatKind;
use proc_macro2::{self, TokenStream};
use std::str::FromStr;
pub fn c_void(ctx: &BindgenContext) -> TokenStream {
match ctx.options().ctypes_prefix {
Some(ref prefix) => {
let prefix = TokenStream::from_str(prefix.as_str()).unwrap();
quote! {
None => {
if ctx.options().use_core &&
quote! { ::core::ffi::c_void }
} else {
quote! { ::std::os::raw::c_void }
pub fn raw_type(ctx: &BindgenContext, name: &str) -> TokenStream {
let ident = ctx.rust_ident_raw(name);
match ctx.options().ctypes_prefix {
Some(ref prefix) => {
let prefix = TokenStream::from_str(prefix.as_str()).unwrap();
quote! {
None => {
if ctx.options().use_core &&
quote! {
} else {
quote! {
pub fn float_kind_rust_type(
ctx: &BindgenContext,
fk: FloatKind,
layout: Option<Layout>,
) -> TokenStream {
match (fk, ctx.options().convert_floats) {
(FloatKind::Float, true) => quote! { f32 },
(FloatKind::Double, true) => quote! { f64 },
(FloatKind::Float, false) => raw_type(ctx, "c_float"),
(FloatKind::Double, false) => raw_type(ctx, "c_double"),
(FloatKind::LongDouble, _) => {
match layout {
Some(layout) => {
match layout.size {
4 => quote! { f32 },
8 => quote! { f64 },
_ => super::integer_type(ctx, layout)
.unwrap_or(quote! { f64 }),
None => {
"How didn't we know the layout for a primitive type?"
quote! { f64 }
(FloatKind::Float128, _) => {
if ctx.options().rust_features.i128_and_u128 {
quote! { u128 }
} else {
quote! { [u64; 2] }
pub fn int_expr(val: i64) -> TokenStream {
let val = proc_macro2::Literal::i64_unsuffixed(val);
pub fn uint_expr(val: u64) -> TokenStream {
let val = proc_macro2::Literal::u64_unsuffixed(val);
pub fn byte_array_expr(bytes: &[u8]) -> TokenStream {
let mut bytes: Vec<_> = bytes.to_vec();
quote! { [ #(#bytes),* ] }
pub fn cstr_expr(mut string: String) -> TokenStream {
let b = proc_macro2::Literal::byte_string(string.as_bytes());
quote! {
pub fn float_expr(ctx: &BindgenContext, f: f64) -> Result<TokenStream, ()> {
if f.is_finite() {
let val = proc_macro2::Literal::f64_unsuffixed(f);
return Ok(quote!(#val));
let prefix = ctx.trait_prefix();
if f.is_nan() {
return Ok(quote! {
if f.is_infinite() {
return Ok(if f.is_sign_positive() {
quote! {
} else {
quote! {
warn!("Unknown non-finite float number: {:?}", f);
pub fn arguments_from_signature(
signature: &FunctionSig,
ctx: &BindgenContext,
) -> Vec<TokenStream> {
let mut unnamed_arguments = 0;
.map(|&(ref name, _ty)| match *name {
Some(ref name) => {
let name = ctx.rust_ident(name);
quote! { #name }
None => {
unnamed_arguments += 1;
let name =
ctx.rust_ident(format!("arg{}", unnamed_arguments));
quote! { #name }