alloc_util.rsuse core;
use std;
use ::alloc;
use super::interface::{c_void, CAllocator};
use std::vec::Vec;
pub use std::boxed::Box;
pub struct MemoryBlock<Ty:Sized+Default>(Box<[Ty]>);
impl<Ty:Sized+Default> Default for MemoryBlock<Ty> {
fn default() -> Self {
impl<Ty:Sized+Default> alloc::SliceWrapper<Ty> for MemoryBlock<Ty> {
fn slice(&self) -> &[Ty] {
impl<Ty:Sized+Default> alloc::SliceWrapperMut<Ty> for MemoryBlock<Ty> {
fn slice_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [Ty] {
&mut self.0[..]
impl<Ty:Sized+Default> core::ops::Index<usize> for MemoryBlock<Ty> {
type Output = Ty;
fn index(&self, index:usize) -> &Ty {
impl<Ty:Sized+Default> core::ops::IndexMut<usize> for MemoryBlock<Ty> {
fn index_mut(&mut self, index:usize) -> &mut Ty {
&mut self.0[index]
impl<Ty:Sized+Default> Drop for MemoryBlock<Ty> {
fn drop (&mut self) {
if self.0.len() != 0 {
print!("leaking memory block of length {} element size: {}\n", self.0.len(), core::mem::size_of::<Ty>());
let to_forget = core::mem::replace(self, MemoryBlock::default());
pub struct SubclassableAllocator {
alloc: CAllocator
impl SubclassableAllocator {
pub unsafe fn new(sub_alloc:CAllocator) -> Self {
impl<Ty:Sized+Default+Clone> alloc::Allocator<Ty> for SubclassableAllocator {
type AllocatedMemory = MemoryBlock<Ty>;
fn alloc_cell(&mut self, size:usize) ->MemoryBlock<Ty>{
if size == 0 {
return MemoryBlock::<Ty>::default();
if let Some(alloc_fn) = self.alloc.alloc_func {
let ptr = alloc_fn(self.alloc.opaque, size * core::mem::size_of::<Ty>());
let typed_ptr = unsafe {core::mem::transmute::<*mut c_void, *mut Ty>(ptr)};
let slice_ref = unsafe {super::slice_from_raw_parts_or_nil_mut(typed_ptr, size)};
for item in slice_ref.iter_mut() {
unsafe{core::ptr::write(item, Ty::default())};
return MemoryBlock(unsafe{Box::from_raw(slice_ref)})
fn free_cell(&mut self, mut bv:MemoryBlock<Ty>) {
if (*bv.0).len() != 0 {
if let Some(_) = self.alloc.alloc_func {
let slice_ptr = (*bv.0).as_mut_ptr();
let _box_ptr = Box::into_raw(core::mem::replace(&mut bv.0, Vec::<Ty>::new().into_boxed_slice()));
if let Some(free_fn) = self.alloc.free_func {
unsafe {free_fn(self.alloc.opaque, core::mem::transmute::<*mut Ty, *mut c_void>(slice_ptr))};
} else {
let _to_free = core::mem::replace(&mut bv.0, Vec::<Ty>::new().into_boxed_slice());
static mut G_SLICE:&'static mut[u8] = &mut[];
pub struct MemoryBlock<Ty:Sized+Default>(*mut[Ty]);
impl<Ty:Sized+Default> Default for MemoryBlock<Ty> {
fn default() -> Self {
MemoryBlock(unsafe{core::mem::transmute::<*mut [u8], *mut[Ty]>(G_SLICE.as_mut())})
impl<Ty:Sized+Default> alloc::SliceWrapper<Ty> for MemoryBlock<Ty> {
fn slice(&self) -> &[Ty] {
if unsafe{(*self.0).len()} == 0 {
} else {
unsafe{super::slice_from_raw_parts_or_nil(&(*self.0)[0], (*self.0).len())}
impl<Ty:Sized+Default> alloc::SliceWrapperMut<Ty> for MemoryBlock<Ty> {
fn slice_mut(&mut self) -> &mut [Ty] {
if unsafe{(*self.0).len()} == 0 {
&mut []
} else {
unsafe{super::slice_from_raw_parts_or_nil_mut(&mut (*self.0)[0], (*self.0).len())}
extern fn panic_impl(_: &::core::panic::PanicInfo) -> ! {
loop {}
#[lang = "eh_personality"]
extern "C" fn eh_personality() {
impl<Ty:Sized+Default> core::ops::Index<usize> for MemoryBlock<Ty> {
type Output = Ty;
fn index(&self, index:usize) -> &Ty {
impl<Ty:Sized+Default> core::ops::IndexMut<usize> for MemoryBlock<Ty> {
fn index_mut(&mut self, index:usize) -> &mut Ty {
unsafe{&mut (*self.0)[index]}
impl<Ty:Sized+Default+Clone> alloc::Allocator<Ty> for SubclassableAllocator {
type AllocatedMemory = MemoryBlock<Ty>;
fn alloc_cell(&mut self, size:usize) ->MemoryBlock<Ty>{
if size == 0 {
return MemoryBlock::<Ty>::default();
if let Some(alloc_fn) = self.alloc.alloc_func {
let ptr = alloc_fn(self.alloc.opaque, size * core::mem::size_of::<Ty>());
let typed_ptr = unsafe {core::mem::transmute::<*mut c_void, *mut Ty>(ptr)};
let slice_ref = unsafe {super::slice_from_raw_parts_or_nil_mut(typed_ptr, size)};
for item in slice_ref.iter_mut() {
unsafe{core::ptr::write(item, Ty::default())};
return MemoryBlock(slice_ref.as_mut())
} else {
panic!("Must provide allocators in no-stdlib code");
fn free_cell(&mut self, mut bv:MemoryBlock<Ty>) {
use alloc::SliceWrapper;
use alloc::SliceWrapperMut;
if bv.slice().len() != 0 {
if let Some(_) = self.alloc.alloc_func {
if let Some(free_fn) = self.alloc.free_func {
unsafe {free_fn(self.alloc.opaque, core::mem::transmute::<*mut Ty, *mut c_void>(&mut bv.slice_mut()[0]))};
let _ = core::mem::replace(&mut bv,
} else {
panic!("Must provide allocators in no-stdlib code");
pub fn free_stdlib<T>(_data: *mut T, _size: usize) {
panic!("Must supply allocators if calling divans when compiled with features=no-stdlib");
pub fn alloc_stdlib<T:Sized+Default+Copy+Clone>(_size: usize) -> *mut T {
panic!("Must supply allocators if calling divans when compiled with features=no-stdlib");
pub unsafe fn free_stdlib<T>(ptr: *mut T, size: usize) {
let slice_ref = super::slice_from_raw_parts_or_nil_mut(ptr, size);
let _ = Box::from_raw(slice_ref); }
pub fn alloc_stdlib<T:Sized+Default+Copy+Clone>(size: usize) -> *mut T {
std::panic::catch_unwind(|| {
let mut newly_allocated = vec![T::default();size].into_boxed_slice();
let slice_ptr = newly_allocated.as_mut_ptr();
let _box_ptr = Box::into_raw(newly_allocated);