
§How to control using Gamepad
In this section, button names follow gilrs layout.
Button | Function |
North | Change mode |
Button | Function |
South | Positive yaw translation of hand posture |
West | Negative yaw translation of hand posture |
LeftTrigger2 | Boost speed |
RightTrigger2 | Enable switch |
LeftStick | Roll or Pitch rotation of hand posture |
RightStick | Roll or Pitch translation of hand posture |
DPadRight | Positive yaw rotation of hand posture |
DPadLeft | Negative yaw rotation of hand posture |
Button | Function |
East | Selection of registered postures |
West | Allow move to registered posture |
RightTrigger2 | Enable switch |
Button | Function |
South | Negative movement of joint |
East | Select joint |
West | Positive movement of joint |
LeftTrigger2 | Boost speed |
RightTrigger2 | Enable switch |
RightStick | Movement of joint |
Button | Function |
LeftTrigger2 | Boost speed |
RightTrigger2 | Enable switch |
LeftStick | Translation |
RightStick | Rotation |
Button | Function |
East | Select command |
West | Send command |
RightTrigger2 | Enable switch |
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