
Function perform_broad_phase

pub fn perform_broad_phase<N: RealField + Copy, Objects>(
    objects: &Objects,
    broad_phase: &mut (impl BroadPhase<N, AABB<N>, Objects::CollisionObjectHandle> + ?Sized),
    narrow_phase: &mut NarrowPhase<N, Objects::CollisionObjectHandle>,
    interactions: &mut InteractionGraph<N, Objects::CollisionObjectHandle>,
    pair_filters: Option<&(impl BroadPhasePairFilter<N, Objects> + ?Sized)>,
where Objects: CollisionObjectSet<N>,
Expand description

Performs the broad-phase.

This will update the broad-phase internal structure, and create potential interaction pairs in the interaction graph. A pair_filters can be provided to filter out pairs of object that should not be considered.