
Module source

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Sources of sound and various filters.


  • Filter that modifies each sample by a given value.
  • Automatic Gain Control filter for maintaining consistent output levels.
  • This applies an audio filter, it can be a high or low pass filter.
  • Iterator that at the same time extracts data from the iterator and stores it in a buffer.
  • Combines channels in input into a single mono source, then plays that mono sound to each channel at the volume given for that channel.
  • Generate a sine wave with an instantaneous frequency that changes/sweeps linearly over time. At the end of the chirp, once the end_frequency is reached, the source is exhausted.
  • A source that delays the given source by a certain amount.
  • When the inner source is empty this decrements a AtomicUsize.
  • An empty source.
  • An empty source which executes a callback function
  • Filter that modifies raises the volume from silence over a time period.
  • Filter that modifies lowers the volume to silence over a time period.
  • Internal type used by from_factory.
  • A source that chains sources provided by an iterator.
  • Filter that adds a linear gain ramp to the source over a given time range.
  • Filter that modifies each sample by a given value.
  • Wraps a source and makes it pausable by calling Pausable::set_paused on this object. When the source is paused it returns zero value samples.
  • Calls a function on a source every time a period elapsed.
  • A source that repeats the given source.
  • Wrap the input and lazily converts the samples it provides to the type specified by the generic parameter D
  • An infinite source that produces one of a selection of test waveforms.
  • An infinite source that produces a sine.
  • A source that skips specified duration of the given source from it’s current position.
  • Wrap the source in a skippable. It allows ending the current source early by calling Skippable::skip. If this source is in a queue such as the Sink ending the source early is equal to skipping the source.
  • A simple spatial audio source. The underlying source is transformed to Mono and then played in stereo. The left and right channel’s volume are amplified differently depending on the distance of the left and right ear to the source.
  • Filter that modifies each sample by a given value.
  • This is the same as Skippable see its docs
  • A source that truncates the given source to a certain duration.
  • Tracks the elapsed duration since the start of the underlying source.
  • An iterator that reads from a Source and converts the samples to a specific type, sample-rate and channels count.
  • An source that produces samples with value zero (silence). Depending on if it where created with Zero::new or Zero::new_samples it can be never ending or finite.


  • Waveform functions.
  • Occurs when try_seek fails because the underlying decoder has an error or does not support seeking.



  • Convenience function to create a new Chirp source.
  • Builds a source that chains sources built from a factory.
  • Builds a source that chains sources provided by an iterator.

Type Aliases§

  • Mixes one sound fading out with another sound fading in for the given duration.