macro_rules! alias {
$vis:vis $name:ident = $expr:tt
) => { ... };
Expand description
Declares const
and type
aliases for type-level strings.
§String Arguments
You can alias either one type-level string, or a tuple of type-level strings
// Aliases the "bar" type-level string as both a const and a type, named Bar.
pub Bar = bar;
// Aliases the "0" type-level string.
pub N0 = 0;
// Aliases the ("foo", "baz") tuple of type-level strings,
// Equivalent to `TS!(foo, baz)` and `ts!("foo", "baz")`
pub Tup = (foo, baz);
This uses types from the for_examples
which can be seen in the docs with the “for_examples” feature.
use std::ops::Index;
use tstr::for_examples::{Foo, Bar};
// Declares both an NBar type alias and an NBar constant of that type.
pub NBar = bar;
// Declares both an NBaz type alias and an NBaz constant of that type.
pub NBaz = "baz";
// Declares both an NQux type alias and an NQux constant of that type.
pub NQux = "qux";
// The macro can also be invoked like this
tstr::alias!{ pub NBoom = boom }
let this = Foo::new(3, 5, "8");
assert_eq!(get_bar_baz(&this), (3, 5));
let other = Bar::new(13, false, Some('C'));
assert_eq!(get_bar_baz(&other), (13, false));
type IndexOut<T, N> = <T as Index<N>>::Output;
fn get_bar_baz<T>(this: &T) -> (IndexOut<T, NBar>, IndexOut<T, NBaz>)
T: Index<NBar> + Index<NBaz>,
IndexOut<T, NBar>: Copy,
IndexOut<T, NBaz>: Copy,
(this[NBar], this[NBaz])