
Struct FieldOffset

pub struct FieldOffset<S, F, A> { /* private fields */ }
Expand description

Represents the offset of a (potentially nested) field inside a type.

§Type parameters

The type parameters are:

  • S(for struct): the struct that contains the field that this is an offset for.

  • F(for field): the type of the field this is an offset for.

  • A(for alignment): Is Aligned if this offset is for an aligned field within the S struct, Unaligned if it is for an unaligned field. This changes which methods are available,and the implementation of many of them.



All the unsafe methods for FieldOffset<_, _, Aligned> that move/copy the field require that the passed in pointers are aligned, while the ones for FieldOffset<_, _, Unaligned> do not.

Because passing unaligned pointers to FieldOffset<_, _, Aligned> methods causes undefined behavior, you must be careful when accessing a nested field in #[repr(C, packed)] structs.

For an example of how to correctly access nested fields inside of #[repr(C, packed)] structs look here.

§Field alignment guidelines

A non-nested field is:

  • Aligned: if the type that contains the field is #[repr(C)]/#[repr(C, align(...))]/#[repr(transparent)].

  • Unaligned: if the type that contains the field is #[repr(C, packed(....))], and the packing is smaller than the alignment of the field type.
    Note that type alignment can vary across platforms, so FieldOffset<S, F, Unaligned>(as opposed to FieldOffset<S, F, Aligned>) is safest when S is a #[repr(C, packed)] type.

A nested field is unaligned if any field in the chain of field accesses to the nested field (ie: foo and bar and baz in is unaligned according to the rules for non-nested fields described in this section.


§No Macros

This example demonstrates how you can construct FieldOffset without macros.

You can use the ReprOffset derive macro or unsafe_struct_field_offsets macro to construct the constants more conveniently (and in a less error-prone way).

use repr_offset::{Aligned, FieldOffset};

use std::mem;

fn main(){
    let mut foo = Foo{ first: 3u16, second: 5, third: None };

    *Foo::OFFSET_FIRST.get_mut(&mut foo) = 13;
    *Foo::OFFSET_SECOND.get_mut(&mut foo) = 21;
    *Foo::OFFSET_THIRD.get_mut(&mut foo) = Some(34);

    assert_eq!( foo, Foo{ first: 13, second: 21, third: Some(34) } );

struct Foo<T>{
    first: T,
    second: u32,
    third: Option<T>,

impl<T> Foo<T>{
    const OFFSET_FIRST: FieldOffset<Self, T, Aligned> = unsafe{ FieldOffset::new(0) };

    const OFFSET_SECOND: FieldOffset<Self, u32, Aligned> = unsafe{

    const OFFSET_THIRD: FieldOffset<Self, Option<T>, Aligned> = unsafe{

§Accessing Nested Fields

This example demonstrates how to access nested fields in a #[repr(C, packed)] struct, using the GetFieldOffset trait implemented by the ReprOffset derive, through the off macro.

use repr_offset_derive::ReprOffset;
use repr_offset::{
    alignment::{Aligned, Unaligned},

#[repr(C, packed)]
struct Pack{
    x: u8,
    y: NestedC,

struct NestedC{
    name: &'static str,
    years: usize,

let this = Pack{
    x: 0,
    y: NestedC{ name: "John", years: 13 },

let off_y: FieldOffset<Pack, NestedC, Unaligned> = off!(y);

let off_name: FieldOffset<Pack, &'static str, Unaligned> = off!(;

// You can also get the FieldOffset for a nested field like this.
let off_years: FieldOffset<Pack, usize, Unaligned> = off_y.add(off!(years));

// The this argument is required to call FieldOffset methods,
// infering the S type parameter of FieldOffset from `this`.
let _ = off!(this; y.years);

assert_eq!(off_name.get_copy(&this), "John" );
assert_eq!(off_years.get_copy(&this), 13 );

    let nested_ptr: *const NestedC = off_y.get_ptr(&this);

    // This code is undefined behavior,
    // because `NestedC`'s offsets require the passed in pointer to be aligned.
    // assert_eq!(, "John" );
    // assert_eq!(, 13 );

    // This is fine though,because the offsets were turned into
    // `FieldOffset<_, _, Unaligned>` with `.to_unaligned()`.
    assert_eq!( NestedC::OFFSET_NAME.to_unaligned().read(nested_ptr), "John" );
    assert_eq!( NestedC::OFFSET_YEARS.to_unaligned().read(nested_ptr), 13 );




impl<S, F, A> FieldOffset<S, F, A>


pub const unsafe fn new(offset: usize) -> Self

Constructs this FieldOffset from the offset of the field.


Callers must ensure all of these:

  • S must be a #[repr(C)] or #[repr(transparent)] struct (optionally with align or packed attributes).

  • offset must be the byte offset of a field of type F inside the struct S.

  • The A type parameter must be Unaligned if the field is unaligned, or Aligned if it is aligned.


Constructing the FieldOffsets of a packed struct.

use repr_offset::{Aligned, FieldOffset, Unaligned};

let this = Packed{ x: 3, y: 5, z: "huh" };

assert_eq!( OFFSET_X.get_copy(&this), 3 );
assert_eq!( OFFSET_Y.get_copy(&this), 5 );
assert_eq!( OFFSET_Z.get_copy(&this), "huh" );

#[repr(C, packed)]
struct Packed{
    x: u8,
    y: u32,
    z: &'static str,

// `u8` is always aligned.
const OFFSET_X: FieldOffset<Packed, u8, Aligned> = unsafe{
const OFFSET_Y: FieldOffset<Packed, u32, Unaligned> = unsafe{
const OFFSET_Z: FieldOffset<Packed, &'static str, Unaligned> = unsafe{

pub const unsafe fn next_field_offset<Next, NextA>( self, ) -> FieldOffset<S, Next, NextA>

Constructs a FieldOffset by calculating the offset of the next field.


Callers must ensure that:


Constructing the FieldOffsets of a #[repr(C, align(16))] struct.

use repr_offset::{Aligned, FieldOffset};

let this = ReprAligned{ foo: true, bar: Some('8'), baz: 55 };

assert_eq!( OFFSET_FOO.get_copy(&this), true );
assert_eq!( OFFSET_BAR.get_copy(&this), Some('8') );
assert_eq!( OFFSET_BAZ.get_copy(&this), 55 );

#[repr(C, align(16))]
struct ReprAligned{
    foo: bool,
    bar: Option<char>,
    baz: u64,

const OFFSET_FOO: FieldOffset<ReprAligned, bool, Aligned> = unsafe{
const OFFSET_BAR: FieldOffset<ReprAligned, Option<char>, Aligned> = unsafe{
const OFFSET_BAZ: FieldOffset<ReprAligned, u64, Aligned> = unsafe{

impl FieldOffset<(), (), Aligned>


pub const fn identity<T>() -> FieldOffset<T, T, Aligned>

Constructs a FieldOffset where T is the struct and the field type.


impl<S, F> FieldOffset<S, F, Aligned>


pub const fn add<F2, A2>( self, other: FieldOffset<F, F2, A2>, ) -> FieldOffset<S, F2, A2>

Combines this FieldOffset with another one, to access a nested field.

Note that the resulting FieldOffset has the alignment type parameter (the third one) of other.

use repr_offset::{Aligned, FieldOffset, Unaligned};
use repr_offset::for_examples::{ReprC, ReprPacked};

type This = ReprC<char, ReprC<u8, u16>, ReprPacked<u32, u64>>;

let this: This = ReprC {
    a: '3',
    b: ReprC{ a: 5u8, b: 8u16, c: (), d: () },
    c: ReprPacked{ a: 13u32, b: 21u64, c: (), d: () },
    d: (),

assert_eq!( OFFSET_B_A.get_copy(&this), 5 );
assert_eq!( OFFSET_C_A.get_copy(&this), 13 );

// This is the FieldOffset of the `.b.a` nested field.
const OFFSET_B_A: FieldOffset<This, u8, Aligned> =

// This is the FieldOffset of the `.c.a` nested field.
// The alignment type parameter of the combined FieldOffset is`Unaligned` if
// either FieldOffset has `Unaligned` as the `A` type parameter.
const OFFSET_C_A: FieldOffset<This, u32, Unaligned> =

impl<S, F> FieldOffset<S, F, Unaligned>


pub const fn add<F2, A2>( self, other: FieldOffset<F, F2, A2>, ) -> FieldOffset<S, F2, Unaligned>

Combines this FieldOffset with another one, to access a nested field.

use repr_offset::{FieldOffset, Unaligned};
use repr_offset::for_examples::{ReprC, ReprPacked};

type This = ReprPacked<char, ReprC<u8, u16>, ReprPacked<u32, u64>>;

let this: This = ReprPacked {
    a: '3',
    b: ReprC{ a: 34u8, b: 55u16, c: (), d: () },
    c: ReprPacked{ a: 89u32, b: 144u64, c: (), d: () },
    d: (),

assert_eq!( OFFSET_B_A.get_copy(&this), 34 );
assert_eq!( OFFSET_C_A.get_copy(&this), 89 );

// This is the FieldOffset of the `.b.a` nested field.
const OFFSET_B_A: FieldOffset<This, u8, Unaligned> =

// This is the FieldOffset of the `.c.a` nested field.
const OFFSET_C_A: FieldOffset<This, u32, Unaligned> =

impl<S, F, A> FieldOffset<S, F, A>


pub const fn offset(self) -> usize

The offset (in bytes) of the F field in the S struct.


This example demonstrates this method with a #[repr(C, packed)] struct.

use repr_offset::for_examples::ReprPacked;

type Normal = ReprPacked<u8, u16, u32, u64>;
type Reversed = ReprPacked<u64, u32, u16, u8>;

assert_eq!( Normal::OFFSET_A.offset(), 0 );
assert_eq!( Normal::OFFSET_B.offset(), 1 );
assert_eq!( Normal::OFFSET_C.offset(), 3 );
assert_eq!( Normal::OFFSET_D.offset(), 7 );

assert_eq!( Reversed::OFFSET_A.offset(), 0 );
assert_eq!( Reversed::OFFSET_B.offset(), 8 );
assert_eq!( Reversed::OFFSET_C.offset(), 12 );
assert_eq!( Reversed::OFFSET_D.offset(), 14 );


impl<S, F, A> FieldOffset<S, F, A>


pub const unsafe fn with_vis<V, FN>(self) -> FieldOffsetWithVis<S, V, FN, F, A>

Converts this FieldOffset into a FieldOffsetWithVis.


The V type parameter must be:

  • [IsPublic]: When the field is pub.

  • IsPrivate: When the field has the default (private) visibility, or has a visibility smaller or equal to pub(crate).

The FN type parameter must be the name of the field using the repr_offset::tstr::TS macro, eg: TS!(foo) for the foo field.

FieldOffsetWithVis ./get_field_offset/struct.FieldOffsetWithVis.html


impl<S, F, A> FieldOffset<S, F, A>


pub const unsafe fn cast_struct<S2>(self) -> FieldOffset<S2, F, A>

Changes the S type parameter, most useful for #[repr(transparent)] wrappers.


Callers must ensure that there is a field of type F at the same offset inside the S2 type, and is at least as public as this FieldOffset.

If the A type parameter is Aligned, then the field must be aligned

use repr_offset::FieldOffset;
use repr_offset::for_examples::ReprC;

let this = Wrapper(ReprC{
    a: false,
    b: 3u8,
    c: Some('5'),
    d: [8u32, 13u32],

assert_eq!( cast_offset(ReprC::OFFSET_A).get(&this), &false );
assert_eq!( cast_offset(ReprC::OFFSET_B).get(&this), &3u8 );
assert_eq!( cast_offset(ReprC::OFFSET_C).get(&this), &Some('5') );
assert_eq!( cast_offset(ReprC::OFFSET_D).get(&this), &[8u32, 13u32] );

pub struct Wrapper<T>(pub T);

pub const fn cast_offset<T,F,A>(offset: FieldOffset<T,F,A>) -> FieldOffset<Wrapper<T>,F,A>{
    // safety: This case is safe because this is a
    // `#[repr(transparent)]` wrapper around `T`
    // where `T` is a public field in the wrapper
    unsafe{ offset.cast_struct() }


pub const unsafe fn cast_field<F2>(self) -> FieldOffset<S, F2, A>

Changes the F type parameter.


Callers must ensure that the F2 type is compatible with the F type, including size,alignment, and internal layout.

If the F type encodes an invariant, then callers must ensure that if the field is used as the F type (including the destructor for the type) that the invariants for that type must be upheld.

The same applies if the field is used as the F2 type (if the returned FieldOffset isn’t used,then it would not be used as the F2 type)


use repr_offset::{Aligned, FieldOffset};
use repr_offset::for_examples::ReprC;

type This = ReprC<u8, u64, (), ()>;

let this: This = ReprC{ a: 3, b: 5, c: (), d: () };

    assert_eq!( This::OFFSET_A.cast_field::<i8>().get(&this), &3i8 );
    assert_eq!( This::OFFSET_B.cast_field::<i64>().get(&this), &5i64 );

pub const fn to_unaligned(self) -> FieldOffset<S, F, Unaligned>

Changes this FieldOffset to be for a (potentially) unaligned field.

This is useful if you want to get a nested field from an unaligned pointer to a #[repr(C)]/#[repr(C,align())] struct.


This example demonstrates how you can copy a field from an unaligned pointer to a #[repr(C)] struct.

use repr_offset::for_examples::{ReprC, ReprPacked};

type Inner = ReprC<usize, &'static str>;
type Outer = ReprPacked<u8, Inner>;

let inner = ReprC { a: 3, b: "5", c: (), d: () };
let outer: Outer = ReprPacked{ a: 21, b: inner, c: (), d: () };

let inner_ptr: *const Inner = Outer::OFFSET_B.get_ptr(&outer);
    assert_eq!( Inner::OFFSET_A.to_unaligned().read_copy(inner_ptr), 3 );
    assert_eq!( Inner::OFFSET_B.to_unaligned().read_copy(inner_ptr), "5" );

    // This is undefined behavior,
    // because ReprC's FieldOFfsets require the pointer to be aligned.
    // assert_eq!( Inner::OFFSET_A.read_copy(inner_ptr), 3 );
    // assert_eq!( Inner::OFFSET_B.read_copy(inner_ptr), "5" );

pub const unsafe fn to_aligned(self) -> FieldOffset<S, F, Aligned>

Changes this FieldOffset to be for an aligned field.


Callers must ensure that the field is aligned within the S type.

use repr_offset::{Aligned, FieldOffset, Unaligned};

// ReprPacked2 is aligned to 2 bytes.
use repr_offset::for_examples::ReprPacked2;

type This = ReprPacked2<u8, u16, (), ()>;

let _: FieldOffset<This, u8, Unaligned> = This::OFFSET_A;
let _: FieldOffset<This, u16, Unaligned> = This::OFFSET_B;

let this: This = ReprPacked2{ a: 89, b: 144, c: (), d: () };

    assert_eq!( This::OFFSET_A.to_aligned().get(&this), &89 );
    assert_eq!( This::OFFSET_B.to_aligned().get(&this), &144 );

impl<S, F> FieldOffset<S, F, Aligned>


pub fn get(self, base: &S) -> &F

Gets a reference to the field that this is an offset for.

use repr_offset::for_examples::ReprC;

let this = ReprC{ a: '@', b: 21u8, c: (), d: () };

assert_eq!( ReprC::OFFSET_A.get(&this), &'@' );
assert_eq!( ReprC::OFFSET_B.get(&this), &21u8 );

pub fn get_mut(self, base: &mut S) -> &mut F

Gets a mutable reference to the field that this is an offset for.

use repr_offset::for_examples::ReprC;

let mut this = ReprC{ a: "what", b: '?', c: (), d: () };

assert_eq!( ReprC::OFFSET_A.get_mut(&mut this), &mut "what" );
assert_eq!( ReprC::OFFSET_B.get_mut(&mut this), &mut '?' );

pub fn get_copy(self, base: &S) -> F
where F: Copy,

Copies the aligned field that this is an offset for.

use repr_offset::for_examples::ReprC;

let this = ReprC{ a: Some(false), b: [8i32, 13, 21], c: (), d: () };

assert_eq!( ReprC::OFFSET_A.get_copy(&this), Some(false) );
assert_eq!( ReprC::OFFSET_B.get_copy(&this), [8i32, 13, 21] );

This method can’t be called for non-Copy fields.

use repr_offset::for_examples::ReprC;

let this = ReprC{ a: vec![0, 1, 2, 3], b: (), c: (), d: () };

let _ = ReprC::OFFSET_A.get_copy(&this);

impl<S, F, A> FieldOffset<S, F, A>


pub fn get_ptr(self, base: &S) -> *const F

Gets a raw pointer to a field from a reference to the S struct.

use repr_offset::FieldOffset;
use repr_offset::for_examples::ReprPacked;

let this = ReprPacked{ a: 3u8, b: 5u16, c: (), d: () };

let ptr_a = ReprPacked::OFFSET_A.get_ptr(&this);
// A `u8` is always aligned,so a `.read()` is fine.
assert_eq!( unsafe{ }, 3u8 );

let ptr_b = ReprPacked::OFFSET_B.get_ptr(&this);
// ReprPacked has an alignment of 1,
// so this u16 field has to be copied with `.read_unaligned()`.
assert_eq!( unsafe{ ptr_b.read_unaligned() }, 5u16 );

pub fn get_mut_ptr(self, base: &mut S) -> *mut F

Gets a mutable raw pointer to a field from a mutable reference to the S struct.

use repr_offset::FieldOffset;
use repr_offset::for_examples::ReprPacked;

let mut this = ReprPacked{ a: 3u8, b: 5u16, c: (), d: () };

let ptr_a = ReprPacked::OFFSET_A.get_mut_ptr(&mut this);
    // A `u8` is always aligned,so a `.read()` is fine.
    assert_eq!(, 3u8 );
    assert_eq!(, 103 );

let ptr_b = ReprPacked::OFFSET_B.get_mut_ptr(&mut this);
    // ReprPacked has an alignment of 1,
    // so this u16 field has to be read with `.read_unaligned()`.
    assert_eq!( ptr_b.read_unaligned(), 5u16 );
    assert_eq!( ptr_b.read_unaligned(), 105 );

pub unsafe fn raw_get(self, base: *const S) -> *const F

Gets a raw pointer to a field from a pointer to the S struct.


This has the same safety requirements as the <*const T>::offset method.

use repr_offset::FieldOffset;
use repr_offset::for_examples::ReprPacked;

let this = ReprPacked{ a: 3u8, b: 5u16, c: (), d: () };

let ptr: *const _ = &this;

    // A `u8` is always aligned,so a `.read()` is fine.
    assert_eq!( ReprPacked::OFFSET_A.raw_get(ptr).read(), 3u8 );
    // ReprPacked has an alignment of 1,
    // so this u16 field has to be copied with `.read_unaligned()`.
    assert_eq!( ReprPacked::OFFSET_B.raw_get(ptr).read_unaligned(), 5u16 );

pub unsafe fn raw_get_mut(self, base: *mut S) -> *mut F

Gets a mutable raw pointer to a field from a pointer to the S struct.


This has the same safety requirements as the <*mut T>::offset method.

use repr_offset::FieldOffset;
use repr_offset::for_examples::ReprPacked;

let mut this = ReprPacked{ a: 3u8, b: 5u16, c: (), d: () };

let ptr: *mut _ = &mut this;

    let ptr_a = ReprPacked::OFFSET_A.raw_get_mut(ptr);

    // A `u8` is always aligned,so a `.read()` is fine.
    assert_eq!(, 3u8 );
    assert_eq!(, 103 );

    let ptr_b = ReprPacked::OFFSET_B.raw_get_mut(ptr);

    // ReprPacked has an alignment of 1,
    // so this u16 field has to be read with `.read_unaligned()`.
    assert_eq!( ptr_b.read_unaligned(), 5u16 );
    assert_eq!( ptr_b.read_unaligned(), 105 );

pub fn wrapping_raw_get(self, base: *const S) -> *const F

Gets a raw pointer to a field from a pointer to the S struct.


While calling this method is not by itself unsafe, using the pointer returned by this method has the same safety requirements as the <*const T>::wrapping_offset method.

use repr_offset::FieldOffset;
use repr_offset::for_examples::ReprPacked;

let this = ReprPacked{ a: 3u8, b: 5u16, c: (), d: () };

let ptr_a = ReprPacked::OFFSET_A.wrapping_raw_get(&this);
// A `u8` is always aligned,so a `.read()` is fine.
assert_eq!( unsafe{ }, 3u8 );

let ptr_b = ReprPacked::OFFSET_B.wrapping_raw_get(&this);
// ReprPacked has an alignment of 1,
// so this u16 field has to be copied with `.read_unaligned()`.
assert_eq!( unsafe{ ptr_b.read_unaligned() }, 5u16 );

pub fn wrapping_raw_get_mut(self, base: *mut S) -> *mut F

Gets a mutable raw pointer to a field from a pointer to the S struct.


While calling this method is not by itself unsafe, using the pointer returned by this method has the same safety requirements as the <*mut T>::wrapping_offset method.

use repr_offset::FieldOffset;
use repr_offset::for_examples::ReprPacked;

let mut this = ReprPacked{ a: 3u8, b: 5u16, c: (), d: () };

let ptr: *mut _ = &mut this;

let ptr_a = ReprPacked::OFFSET_A.wrapping_raw_get_mut(ptr);

    // A `u8` is always aligned,so a `.read()` is fine.
    assert_eq!(, 3u8 );
    assert_eq!(, 103 );

let ptr_b = ReprPacked::OFFSET_B.wrapping_raw_get_mut(ptr);

    // ReprPacked has an alignment of 1,
    // so this u16 field has to be read with `.read_unaligned()`.
    assert_eq!( ptr_b.read_unaligned(), 5u16 );
    assert_eq!( ptr_b.read_unaligned(), 105 );

impl<S, F> FieldOffset<S, F, Aligned>


pub unsafe fn read_copy(self, base: *const S) -> F
where F: Copy,

Copies the aligned field that this is an offset for.


This function has the same safety requirements as std::ptr::read.

Those safety requirements only apply to the field that this is an offset for, fields after it or before it don’t need to be valid to call this method.

use repr_offset::for_examples::ReprC;

let this = ReprC{ a: 10u8, b: "20", c: (), d: () };

let ptr: *const _ = &this;
    assert_eq!( ReprC::OFFSET_A.read_copy(ptr), 10u8 );
    assert_eq!( ReprC::OFFSET_B.read_copy(ptr), "20" );

This method can’t be called for non-Copy fields.

use repr_offset::for_examples::ReprC;

let this = ReprC{ a: vec![0, 1, 2, 3], b: (), c: (), d: () };
    let _ = ReprC::OFFSET_A.read_copy(&this);

pub unsafe fn read(self, source: *const S) -> F

Reads the value from the field in source without moving it.


This function has the same safety requirements as std::ptr::read.

Those safety requirements only apply to the field that this is an offset for, fields after it or before it don’t need to be valid to call this method.

use repr_offset::for_examples::ReprC;

use std::mem::ManuallyDrop;

let this = ManuallyDrop::new(ReprC{
    a: vec![0, 1, 2],
    b: "20".to_string(),
    c: (),
    d: (),

let ptr: *const _ = &*this;
    assert_eq!(, vec![0, 1, 2] );
    assert_eq!(, "20".to_string() );

pub unsafe fn write(self, destination: *mut S, value: F)

Writes value ìnto the field in destination without dropping the old value of the field.

This allows uninitialized fields to be initialized,since doing *OFFSET_FOO.raw_get_mut(ptr) = value; would drop uninitialized memory.


This function has the same safety requirements as std::ptr::write.

Those safety requirements only apply to the field that this is an offset for, fields after it or before it don’t need to be valid to call this method.

use repr_offset::for_examples::ReprC;

let mut this = ReprC{ a: 10u8, b: "20", c: (), d: () };

let ptr: *mut _ = &mut this;
    ReprC::OFFSET_A.write(ptr, 13u8);
    ReprC::OFFSET_B.write(ptr, "21");
assert_eq!( this.a, 13u8 );
assert_eq!( this.b, "21" );

pub unsafe fn copy(self, source: *const S, destination: *mut S)

Copies the field in source into destination.


This function has the same safety requirements as std::ptr::copy.

Those safety requirements only apply to the field that this is an offset for, fields after it or before it don’t need to be valid to call this method.

use repr_offset::for_examples::ReprC;

let this = ReprC{ a: 10u8, b: "20", c: (), d: () };
let mut other = ReprC{ a: 0u8, b: "", c: (), d: () };

let this_ptr: *const _ = &this;
let other_ptr: *mut _ = &mut other;
    ReprC::OFFSET_A.copy(this_ptr, other_ptr);
    ReprC::OFFSET_B.copy(this_ptr, other_ptr);
assert_eq!( this.a, 10u8 );
assert_eq!( this.b, "20" );

assert_eq!( other.a, 10u8 );
assert_eq!( other.b, "20" );

pub unsafe fn copy_nonoverlapping(self, source: *const S, destination: *mut S)

Copies the field in source into destination, source and destination must not overlap.


This function has the same safety requirements as std::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping .

Those safety requirements only apply to the field that this is an offset for, fields after it or before it don’t need to be valid to call this method.

use repr_offset::for_examples::ReprC;

let this = ReprC{ a: '#', b: 81, c: (), d: () };
let mut other = ReprC{ a: '_', b: 0, c: (), d: () };

let this_ptr: *const _ = &this;
let other_ptr: *mut _ = &mut other;
    ReprC::OFFSET_A.copy_nonoverlapping(this_ptr, other_ptr);
    ReprC::OFFSET_B.copy_nonoverlapping(this_ptr, other_ptr);
assert_eq!( this.a, '#' );
assert_eq!( this.b, 81 );

assert_eq!( other.a, '#' );
assert_eq!( other.b, 81 );

pub unsafe fn replace(self, destination: *mut S, value: F) -> F

Replaces the value of a field in destination with value, returning the old value of the field.


This function has the same safety requirements as std::ptr::replace.

Those safety requirements only apply to the field that this is an offset for, fields after it or before it don’t need to be valid to call this method.

use repr_offset::for_examples::ReprC;

let mut this = ReprC{ a: [0u8, 1], b: false, c: (), d: () };

let ptr: *mut _ = &mut this;
    assert_eq!( ReprC::OFFSET_A.replace(ptr, [2, 3]), [0u8, 1] );
    assert_eq!( ReprC::OFFSET_B.replace(ptr, true), false );

assert_eq!( this.a, [2u8, 3] );
assert_eq!( this.b, true );

pub fn replace_mut(self, destination: &mut S, value: F) -> F

Replaces the value of a field in destination with value, returning the old value of the field.

use repr_offset::for_examples::ReprC;

let mut this = ReprC{ a: [0u8, 1], b: false, c: (), d: () };

assert_eq!( ReprC::OFFSET_A.replace_mut(&mut this, [2, 3]), [0u8, 1] );
assert_eq!( ReprC::OFFSET_B.replace_mut(&mut this, true), false );

assert_eq!( this.a, [2u8, 3] );
assert_eq!( this.b, true );

pub unsafe fn swap(self, left: *mut S, right: *mut S)

Swaps the values of a field between the left and right pointers.


This function has the same safety requirements as std::ptr::swap.

Those safety requirements only apply to the field that this is an offset for, fields after it or before it don’t need to be valid to call this method.

use repr_offset::for_examples::ReprC;

let mut this = ReprC{ a: '=', b: 64u16, c: (), d: () };
let mut other = ReprC{ a: '!', b: 255u16, c: (), d: () };

let this_ptr: *mut _ = &mut this;
let other_ptr: *mut _ = &mut other;
    ReprC::OFFSET_A.swap(this_ptr, other_ptr);
    ReprC::OFFSET_B.swap(this_ptr, other_ptr);
assert_eq!( this.a, '!' );
assert_eq!( this.b, 255 );

assert_eq!( other.a, '=' );
assert_eq!( other.b, 64 );

pub unsafe fn swap_nonoverlapping(self, left: *mut S, right: *mut S)

Swaps the values of a field between the left and right non-overlapping pointers.


This function has the same safety requirements as std::ptr::swap_nonoverlapping .

Those safety requirements only apply to the field that this is an offset for, fields after it or before it don’t need to be valid to call this method.

use repr_offset::for_examples::ReprC;

let mut this = ReprC{ a: [false, true], b: &27u32, c: (), d: () };
let mut other = ReprC{ a: [true, false], b: &81u32, c: (), d: () };

let this_ptr: *mut _ = &mut this;
let other_ptr: *mut _ = &mut other;
    ReprC::OFFSET_A.swap_nonoverlapping(this_ptr, other_ptr);
    ReprC::OFFSET_B.swap_nonoverlapping(this_ptr, other_ptr);
assert_eq!( this.a, [true, false] );
assert_eq!( this.b, &81 );

assert_eq!( other.a, [false, true] );
assert_eq!( other.b, &27 );

pub fn swap_mut(self, left: &mut S, right: &mut S)

Swaps the values of a field between left and right.

use repr_offset::for_examples::ReprC;

let mut this = ReprC{ a: [true, true], b: 0x0Fu8, c: (), d: () };
let mut other = ReprC{ a: [false, false], b: 0xF0u8, c: (), d: () };

ReprC::OFFSET_A.swap_mut(&mut this, &mut other);
ReprC::OFFSET_B.swap_mut(&mut this, &mut other);

assert_eq!( this.a, [false, false] );
assert_eq!( this.b, 0xF0u8 );

assert_eq!( other.a, [true, true] );
assert_eq!( other.b, 0x0Fu8 );

impl<S, F> FieldOffset<S, F, Unaligned>


pub fn get_copy(self, base: &S) -> F
where F: Copy,

Copies the unaligned field that this is an offset for.

use repr_offset::for_examples::ReprPacked;

let this = ReprPacked{ a: Some(false), b: [8i32, 13, 21], c: (), d: () };

assert_eq!( ReprPacked::OFFSET_A.get_copy(&this), Some(false) );
assert_eq!( ReprPacked::OFFSET_B.get_copy(&this), [8i32, 13, 21] );

This method can’t be called for non-Copy fields.

use repr_offset::for_examples::ReprPacked;

let this = ReprPacked{ a: vec![0, 1, 2], b: (), c: (), d: () };

let _ = ReprPacked::OFFSET_A.get_copy(&this);

pub unsafe fn read_copy(self, base: *const S) -> F
where F: Copy,

Copies the unaligned field that this is an offset for.


This function has the same safety requirements as std::ptr::read_unaligned.

Those safety requirements only apply to the field that this is an offset for, fields after it or before it don’t need to be valid to call this method.

use repr_offset::for_examples::ReprPacked;

let this = ReprPacked{ a: 10u8, b: "20", c: (), d: () };

let ptr: *const _ = &this;
    assert_eq!( ReprPacked::OFFSET_A.read_copy(ptr), 10u8 );
    assert_eq!( ReprPacked::OFFSET_B.read_copy(ptr), "20" );

This method can’t be called for non-Copy fields.

use repr_offset::for_examples::ReprPacked;

let this = ReprPacked{ a: vec![0, 1, 2], b: "20", c: (), d: () };

    let _ = ReprPacked::OFFSET_A.read_copy(&this);

pub unsafe fn read(self, source: *const S) -> F

Reads the value from the field in source without moving it.


This function has the same safety requirements as std::ptr::read_unaligned.

Those safety requirements only apply to the field that this is an offset for, fields after it or before it don’t need to be valid to call this method.

use repr_offset::for_examples::ReprPacked;

use std::mem::ManuallyDrop;

let this = ManuallyDrop::new(ReprPacked{
    a: vec![0, 1, 2],
    b: "20".to_string(),
    c: (),
    d: (),

let ptr: *const _ = &*this;
    assert_eq!(, vec![0, 1, 2] );
    assert_eq!(, "20".to_string() );

pub unsafe fn write(self, source: *mut S, value: F)

Writes value ìnto the field in source without dropping the old value of the field.


This function has the same safety requirements as std::ptr::write_unaligned.

Those safety requirements only apply to the field that this is an offset for, fields after it or before it don’t need to be valid to call this method.

use repr_offset::for_examples::ReprPacked;
use repr_offset::utils::moved;

let mut this = ReprPacked{ a: 10u8, b: "20", c: (), d: () };

let ptr: *mut _ = &mut this;
    ReprPacked::OFFSET_A.write(ptr, 13u8);
    ReprPacked::OFFSET_B.write(ptr, "21");
assert_eq!( moved(this.a), 13u8 );
assert_eq!( moved(this.b), "21" );

pub unsafe fn copy(self, source: *const S, destination: *mut S)

Copies the field in source into destination.


This function has the same safety requirements as std::ptr::copy, except that source and destination do not need to be properly aligned.

Those safety requirements only apply to the field that this is an offset for, fields after it or before it don’t need to be valid to call this method.

use repr_offset::for_examples::ReprPacked;
use repr_offset::utils::moved;

let this = ReprPacked{ a: 10u8, b: "20", c: (), d: () };
let mut other = ReprPacked{ a: 0u8, b: "", c: (), d: () };

let this_ptr: *const _ = &this;
let other_ptr: *mut _ = &mut other;
    ReprPacked::OFFSET_A.copy(this_ptr, other_ptr);
    ReprPacked::OFFSET_B.copy(this_ptr, other_ptr);
assert_eq!( moved(this.a), 10u8 );
assert_eq!( moved(this.b), "20" );

assert_eq!( moved(other.a), 10u8 );
assert_eq!( moved(other.b), "20" );

pub unsafe fn copy_nonoverlapping(self, source: *const S, destination: *mut S)

Copies the field in source into destination, source and destination must not overlap.


This function has the same safety requirements as std::ptr::copy_nonoverlapping , except that source and destination do not need to be properly aligned.

Those safety requirements only apply to the field that this is an offset for, fields after it or before it don’t need to be valid to call this method.

use repr_offset::for_examples::ReprPacked;
use repr_offset::utils::moved;

let this = ReprPacked{ a: '#', b: 81, c: (), d: () };
let mut other = ReprPacked{ a: '_', b: 0, c: (), d: () };

let this_ptr: *const _ = &this;
let other_ptr: *mut _ = &mut other;
    ReprPacked::OFFSET_A.copy_nonoverlapping(this_ptr, other_ptr);
    ReprPacked::OFFSET_B.copy_nonoverlapping(this_ptr, other_ptr);
assert_eq!( moved(this.a), '#' );
assert_eq!( moved(this.b), 81 );

assert_eq!( moved(other.a), '#' );
assert_eq!( moved(other.b), 81 );

impl<S, F> FieldOffset<S, F, Unaligned>


pub unsafe fn replace(self, dest: *mut S, value: F) -> F

Replaces the value of a field in dest with value, returning the old value of the field.


This function has the same safety requirements as std::ptr::replace, except that dest does not need to be properly aligned.

Those safety requirements only apply to the field that this is an offset for, fields after it or before it don’t need to be valid to call this method.

use repr_offset::for_examples::ReprPacked;
use repr_offset::utils::moved;

let mut this = ReprPacked{ a: [0u8, 1], b: false, c: (), d: () };

let ptr: *mut _ = &mut this;
    assert_eq!( ReprPacked::OFFSET_A.replace(ptr, [2, 3]), [0u8, 1] );
    assert_eq!( ReprPacked::OFFSET_B.replace(ptr, true), false );

assert_eq!( moved(this.a), [2u8, 3] );
assert_eq!( moved(this.b), true );

pub fn replace_mut(self, dest: &mut S, value: F) -> F

Replaces the value of a field in dest with value, returning the old value of the field.

use repr_offset::for_examples::ReprPacked;
use repr_offset::utils::moved;

let mut this = ReprPacked{ a: [0u8, 1], b: false, c: (), d: () };

assert_eq!( ReprPacked::OFFSET_A.replace_mut(&mut this, [2, 3]), [0u8, 1] );
assert_eq!( ReprPacked::OFFSET_B.replace_mut(&mut this, true), false );

assert_eq!( moved(this.a), [2u8, 3] );
assert_eq!( moved(this.b), true );

impl<S, F> FieldOffset<S, F, Unaligned>


pub unsafe fn swap(self, left: *mut S, right: *mut S)

Swaps the values of a field between the left and right pointers.


This function has the same safety requirements as std::ptr::swap, except that it does not require aligned pointers.

Those safety requirements only apply to the field that this is an offset for, fields after it or before it don’t need to be valid to call this method.

use repr_offset::for_examples::ReprPacked;
use repr_offset::utils::moved;

let mut this = ReprPacked{ a: '=', b: 64u16, c: (), d: () };
let mut other = ReprPacked{ a: '!', b: 255u16, c: (), d: () };

let this_ptr: *mut _ = &mut this;
let other_ptr: *mut _ = &mut other;
    ReprPacked::OFFSET_A.swap(this_ptr, other_ptr);
    ReprPacked::OFFSET_B.swap(this_ptr, other_ptr);
assert_eq!( moved(this.a), '!' );
assert_eq!( moved(this.b), 255 );

assert_eq!( moved(other.a), '=' );
assert_eq!( moved(other.b), 64 );

pub unsafe fn swap_nonoverlapping(self, left: *mut S, right: *mut S)

Swaps the values of a field between the non-overlapping left and right pointers.


This function has the same safety requirements as std::ptr::swap_nonoverlapping except that it does not require aligned pointers.

Those safety requirements only apply to the field that this is an offset for, fields after it or before it don’t need to be valid to call this method.

use repr_offset::for_examples::ReprPacked;
use repr_offset::utils::moved;

let mut this = ReprPacked{ a: [false, true], b: &27u32, c: (), d: () };
let mut other = ReprPacked{ a: [true, false], b: &81u32, c: (), d: () };

let this_ptr: *mut _ = &mut this;
let other_ptr: *mut _ = &mut other;
    ReprPacked::OFFSET_A.swap_nonoverlapping(this_ptr, other_ptr);
    ReprPacked::OFFSET_B.swap_nonoverlapping(this_ptr, other_ptr);
assert_eq!( moved(this.a), [true, false] );
assert_eq!( moved(this.b), &81 );

assert_eq!( moved(other.a), [false, true] );
assert_eq!( moved(other.b), &27 );

pub fn swap_mut(self, left: &mut S, right: &mut S)

Swaps the values of a field between left and right.

use repr_offset::for_examples::ReprPacked;
use repr_offset::utils::moved;

let mut this = ReprPacked{ a: [true, true], b: 0x0Fu8, c: (), d: () };
let mut other = ReprPacked{ a: [false, false], b: 0xF0u8, c: (), d: () };

ReprPacked::OFFSET_A.swap_mut(&mut this, &mut other);
ReprPacked::OFFSET_B.swap_mut(&mut this, &mut other);

assert_eq!( moved(this.a), [false, false] );
assert_eq!( moved(this.b), 0xF0u8 );

assert_eq!( moved(other.a), [true, true] );
assert_eq!( moved(other.b), 0x0Fu8 );

Trait Implementations§


impl<S, F, A, F2, A2> Add<FieldOffset<F, F2, A2>> for FieldOffset<S, F, A>
where A: CombineAlignment<A2>, A2: Alignment,

Equivalent to the inherent FieldOffset::add method, that one can be ran at compile-time(this one can’t).


use repr_offset::{Aligned, FieldOffset, Unaligned};
use repr_offset::for_examples::{ReprC, ReprPacked};

type This = ReprC<char, ReprC<u8, u16>, ReprPacked<u32, u64>>;

let this: This = ReprC {
    a: '3',
    b: ReprC{ a: 5u8, b: 8u16, c: (), d: () },
    c: ReprPacked{ a: 13u32, b: 21u64, c: (), d: () },
    d: (),

// This is the FieldOffset of the `.b.a` nested field.
let offset_b_b = ReprC::OFFSET_B + ReprC::OFFSET_B;

// This is the FieldOffset of the `.c.a` nested field.
let offset_c_b = ReprC::OFFSET_C + ReprPacked::OFFSET_B;

assert_eq!( offset_b_b.get_copy(&this), 8 );
assert_eq!( offset_c_b.get_copy(&this), 21 );

type Output = FieldOffset<S, F2, <A as CombineAlignment<A2>>::Output>

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

fn add(self, other: FieldOffset<F, F2, A2>) -> Self::Output

Performs the + operation. Read more

impl<S, F, A> Clone for FieldOffset<S, F, A>


fn clone(&self) -> Self

Returns a copy of the value. Read more
1.0.0 · Source§

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl<S, F, A> Debug for FieldOffset<S, F, A>


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl<S, F, A> Ord for FieldOffset<S, F, A>


fn cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Ordering

This method returns an Ordering between self and other. Read more
1.21.0 · Source§

fn max(self, other: Self) -> Self
where Self: Sized,

Compares and returns the maximum of two values. Read more
1.21.0 · Source§

fn min(self, other: Self) -> Self
where Self: Sized,

Compares and returns the minimum of two values. Read more
1.50.0 · Source§

fn clamp(self, min: Self, max: Self) -> Self
where Self: Sized,

Restrict a value to a certain interval. Read more

impl<S, F, A> PartialEq for FieldOffset<S, F, A>


fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool

Tests for self and other values to be equal, and is used by ==.
1.0.0 · Source§

fn ne(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

Tests for !=. The default implementation is almost always sufficient, and should not be overridden without very good reason.

impl<S, F, A> PartialOrd for FieldOffset<S, F, A>


fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering>

This method returns an ordering between self and other values if one exists. Read more
1.0.0 · Source§

fn lt(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

Tests less than (for self and other) and is used by the < operator. Read more
1.0.0 · Source§

fn le(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

Tests less than or equal to (for self and other) and is used by the <= operator. Read more
1.0.0 · Source§

fn gt(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

Tests greater than (for self and other) and is used by the > operator. Read more
1.0.0 · Source§

fn ge(&self, other: &Rhs) -> bool

Tests greater than or equal to (for self and other) and is used by the >= operator. Read more

impl<S, F, A> Copy for FieldOffset<S, F, A>


impl<S, F, A> Eq for FieldOffset<S, F, A>

Auto Trait Implementations§


impl<S, F, A> Freeze for FieldOffset<S, F, A>


impl<S, F, A> RefUnwindSafe for FieldOffset<S, F, A>


impl<S, F, A> Send for FieldOffset<S, F, A>


impl<S, F, A> Sync for FieldOffset<S, F, A>


impl<S, F, A> Unpin for FieldOffset<S, F, A>


impl<S, F, A> UnwindSafe for FieldOffset<S, F, A>

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> CloneToUninit for T
where T: Clone,


unsafe fn clone_to_uninit(&self, dst: *mut u8)

🔬This is a nightly-only experimental API. (clone_to_uninit)
Performs copy-assignment from self to dst. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<S> ROExtAcc for S


fn f_get<F>(&self, offset: FieldOffset<S, F, Aligned>) -> &F

Gets a reference to a field, determined by offset. Read more

fn f_get_mut<F>(&mut self, offset: FieldOffset<S, F, Aligned>) -> &mut F

Gets a muatble reference to a field, determined by offset. Read more

fn f_get_ptr<F, A>(&self, offset: FieldOffset<S, F, A>) -> *const F

Gets a const pointer to a field, the field is determined by offset. Read more

fn f_get_mut_ptr<F, A>(&mut self, offset: FieldOffset<S, F, A>) -> *mut F

Gets a mutable pointer to a field, determined by offset. Read more

impl<S> ROExtOps<Aligned> for S


fn f_replace<F>(&mut self, offset: FieldOffset<S, F, Aligned>, value: F) -> F

Replaces a field (determined by offset) with value, returning the previous value of the field. Read more

fn f_swap<F>(&mut self, offset: FieldOffset<S, F, Aligned>, right: &mut S)

Swaps a field (determined by offset) with the same field in right. Read more

fn f_get_copy<F>(&self, offset: FieldOffset<S, F, Aligned>) -> F
where F: Copy,

Gets a copy of a field (determined by offset). The field is determined by offset. Read more

impl<S> ROExtOps<Unaligned> for S


fn f_replace<F>(&mut self, offset: FieldOffset<S, F, Unaligned>, value: F) -> F

Replaces a field (determined by offset) with value, returning the previous value of the field. Read more

fn f_swap<F>(&mut self, offset: FieldOffset<S, F, Unaligned>, right: &mut S)

Swaps a field (determined by offset) with the same field in right. Read more

fn f_get_copy<F>(&self, offset: FieldOffset<S, F, Unaligned>) -> F
where F: Copy,

Gets a copy of a field (determined by offset). The field is determined by offset. Read more

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.